“Scientia nihil aliud est quam veritatis imago. / Science is but an image of the truth.”
~ Sir Francis Bacon (*1551; †1662)
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci (*1452; †1519) “Quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius. / As above, so below.” ~ Hermes Trismegistus (Tabula Smaragdina); “How can the multiplicity of life delude the one who sees its unity?” ~ Katha Upaniṣhad
DeepDream is a psychophysical AI experiment that visualizes the patterns learned by a convoluted neural network. Similar to when a perceptually naive child watches clouds and tries to interpret random shapes, DeepDream over-interprets and enhances specific salient statistical patterns it detects in an image. It does so by forwarding an image through the Bayesian network, then calculating the gradient of the image with respect to the activations of a particular neighbouring layer. The image is then transformed to increase these activations, enhancing and perturbing the patterns seen by the network, and resulting in a dream-like image. This process was dubbed “Inceptionism” (a reference to InceptionNet, and the movie Inception). InceptionNet: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.4842.pdf
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import IPython.display as display import PIL.Image url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/example_images/YellowLabradorLooking_new.jpg' # Download an image and read it into a NumPy array. def download(url, max_dim=None): name = url.split('/')[-1] image_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(name, origin=url) img = PIL.Image.open(image_path) if max_dim: img.thumbnail((max_dim, max_dim)) return np.array(img) # Normalize an image def deprocess(img): img = 255*(img + 1.0)/2.0 return tf.cast(img, tf.uint8) # Display an image def show(img): display.display(PIL.Image.fromarray(np.array(img))) # Downsizing the image makes it easier to work with. original_img = download(url, max_dim=500) show(original_img) display.display(display.HTML('Image cc-by: Von.grzanka')) base_model = tf.keras.applications.InceptionV3(include_top=False, weights='imagenet') # Maximize the activations of these layers names = ['mixed3', 'mixed5'] layers = [base_model.get_layer(name).output for name in names] # Create the feature extraction model dream_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=layers) def calc_loss(img, model): # Pass forward the image through the model to retrieve the activations. # Converts the image into a batch of size 1. img_batch = tf.expand_dims(img, axis=0) layer_activations = model(img_batch) if len(layer_activations) == 1: layer_activations = [layer_activations] losses = [] for act in layer_activations: loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(act) losses.append(loss) return tf.reduce_sum(losses)This tutorial contains a minimal implementation of DeepDream, as described by Alexander Mordvintsev.
Panta Rhei
statistical null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) based on the fallacious/invalid logic associated with p-values and fixed α-levels.
via Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
Mindless statistical rituals in science
A critique of Fisherian p-values
"Few researchers are aware that their own heroes rejected what they practice routinely. Awareness of the origins of the ritual and of its rejection could cause a virulent cognitive dissonance, in addition to dissonance with editors, reviewers, and dear colleagues. Suppression of conflicts and contradicting information is in the very nature of this social ritual.”
(Gigerenzer, 2004, p. 592)
Gigerenzer, G. (2004). Mindless statistics. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 33(5), 587–606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2004.09.033
#clears all of R's memory rm(list=ls()) # Get the functions loaded into R's working memory # The function can also be downloaded from the following URL: # http://irrational-decisions.com/?page_id=1996 source("BEST.R") #download data from server dataexp2 <- read.table("https://www.irrational-decisions.com/phd-thesis/dataexp2.txt", header=TRUE, sep="", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) # Specify data as vectors y1 = c(dataexp2$v00) y2 = c(dataexp2$v01) # Run the Bayesian analysis using the default broad priors described by Kruschke (2013) mcmcChain = BESTmcmc( y1 , y2 , priorOnly=FALSE , numSavedSteps=12000 , thinSteps=1 , showMCMC=TRUE ) postInfo = BESTplot( y1 , y2 , mcmcChain , ROPEeff=c(-0.1,0.1) ) #The function “BEST.R” can be downloaded from the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) repository under https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/BEST/index.html
Plain numerical DOI: 10.3758/s13423-016-1221-4
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The Amazon deforestation rate in 2020 is the greatest of the decade.
I suggest that humanity should focus on saving the rainforest and not on fuzzy, propagandistic and theory-laden concepts such as "global warming". The rainforest is a clear quantitative indicator of "planetary health". It is thus a statistical criterion which can be measured with great accuracy. Complex systems thinking is needed. Interconnectivity is a key principle of life. The rainforest demonstrates this principle, i.e., the rainforest is an intelligent super-organism.
*in memoriam of the satanic Deep State
~Roscoe C. Brown
Dolce Hayes Mansion
in Californias Silicon Valley
Plain numerical DOI: 10.1177/23978473221085746
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Plain numerical DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78527-4
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Plain numerical DOI: 10.1177/23978473221085746
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Plain numerical DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78527-4
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♫ Marinera
Switzerland, Filzbach 2015
Peruvian Amazon
aka. Aguaje
aka. Uña de Gato
India 2016
In anthropology (and the social and behavioral sciences) the terms emic and etic refer to two different types of field research. Emic is a perspective from within the social group (from the perspective of the subject). Per contrast, etic refers to an outside-perspective (from the perspective of the observer). In my opinion both are complementary to each other (in the quantum-physical sense of complementarity; cf. bistable perception).
This presentation focuses on the role of noncommutativity in visual/perceptual decision-making.
First, some historical background information is provided.
Then, the interrelated concepts of complementarity and superposition are briefly delineated and two paradigmatic visual illusions are demonstrated.
Next, several pertinent empirical results are discussed in the theoretical framework of quantum cognition.
Finally, the interdisciplinary scope of the topic will be adumbrated in the context of "cognitive innovation" (CogNovo).
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scatterplot3d(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, color=par("col"), pch=par("pch"), main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, zlim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL, scale.y=1, angle=40, axis=TRUE, tick.marks=TRUE, label.tick.marks=TRUE, x.ticklabs=NULL, y.ticklabs=NULL, z.ticklabs=NULL, y.margin.add=0, grid=TRUE, box=TRUE, lab=par("lab"), lab.z=mean(lab[1:2]), type="p", highlight.3d=FALSE, mar=c(5,3,4,3)+0.1, bg=par("bg"), col.axis=par("col.axis"), col.grid="grey", col.lab=par("col.lab"), cex.symbols=par("cex"), cex.axis=0.8 * par("cex.axis"), cex.lab=par("cex.lab"), font.axis=par("font.axis"), font.lab=par("font.lab"), lty.axis=par("lty"), lty.grid=par("lty"), lty.hide=NULL, lty.hplot=par("lty"), log="", asp=NA, ...)
Plain numerical DOI: 10.1214/12-STS402
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The Möbius band is an extraordinary geometrical figure. The band is eponymously named after the German mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius who described it in 1885, contemporaneously with another German mathematician named Johann Benedict Listing. It is a so called ruled surface with only one side and one boundary and it possesses the mathematical property of non-orientability (viz., a non-orientable manifold). In fact, the Möbius band is the simplest possible non-orientable surface. A Gedankenexperiment is helpful to understand this property intuitively: Imagine walking on the surface of a giant Möbius band. If you would travel long enough you would end up at the very starting point of the journey, only mirror-reversed. This journey can be repeated - ad infinitum. I argue that the Möbius band provides a reasily accessible metaphor for dual-aspect monism, a theory which challenges the predominant view that mind & matter (i.e., psyche & physis) are two fundamentally different substances. More information can be found on my eponymous websites.
California, San Jose (Silicon Valley)
Saraswati Namastubhyam Varade Kama Rupini
Trace plot: In order to examine the representativeness of the MCMC samples, we first visually examine the trajectory of the chains. The trace plot indicates convergence on θ, i.e., the trace plot appears to be stationary because its mean and variance are not changing as a function of time.
Shrink factor (Brooks-Gelman-Rubin statistic). Theoretically, the larger the number of iterations T, the closer 𝑅 should approximate 1 (as T → ∞, 𝑅→ 1).
Autocorrelation (effective sample size/EES)
The density plot entails the 95% HDI and it displays the numerical value of the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) of 0.000454. The Monte Carlo Error (MCSE) is the uncertainty which can be attributed to the fact that the number of simulation draws is always finite. In other words, it provides a quantitative index that represents the quality of parameter estimates. The MCSE package in R provides convenient tools for computing Monte Carlo standard errors and the effective sample size (Gelman et al., 2004).
#clears all of R's memory rm(list=ls()) # Get the functions loaded into R's working memory # The function can also be downloaded from the following URL: # http://irrational-decisions.com/?page_id=1996 source("BEST.R") #download data from server dataexp2 <- read.table("http://www.irrational-decisions.com/phd-thesis/dataexp2.txt", header=TRUE, sep="", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) # Specify data as vectors y1 = c(dataexp2$v00) y2 = c(dataexp2$v01) # Run the Bayesian analysis using the default broad priors described by Kruschke (2013) mcmcChain = BESTmcmc( y1 , y2 , priorOnly=FALSE , numSavedSteps=12000 , thinSteps=1 , showMCMC=TRUE ) postInfo = BESTplot( y1 , y2 , mcmcChain , ROPEeff=c(-0.1,0.1) ) #The function “BEST.R” can be downloaded from the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) repository under https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/BEST/index.html
Plain numerical DOI: 10.3758/s13423-016-1221-4
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Plain numerical DOI: 10.1177/1745691611406925
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Plain numerical DOI: 10.3758/s13423-017-1323-7
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This animation which was created using R provides an intuitive explanation of what a 95% confidence interval really means: If we would repeat the exact same experiment 50 times, then 95 % of the time the 50 confidence intervals would contain the true mean. Visualisations are a powerful aid to understanding statistics. This makes sense from an evolutionary point of view as abstract symbolic cognition is phylogenetically much more recent than visual reasoning.
The American Psychological Association recommend confidence intervals as the "new statistics" in order to counteract the problems associuated with p-values. However, research clearly shows that confidence intervals are also widely misunderstood and they are therefore no real solution to the statistical crisis.
Out of 118 researcher only 3% were able to give the correct answer.
> library(animation) > conf.int function (level = 0.95, size = 50, cl = c("red", "gray"), ...) { n = ani.options("nmax") d = replicate(n, rnorm(size)) m = colMeans(d) ....
Plain numerical DOI: 10.3758/s13423-013-0572-3
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This is my beautiful "steel tongue drum" (a fantastic handmade percussion instrument). It creates amazing sounds (the harmonic scale is D-minor consisting of the pitches 𝄞 D, E, F, G, A, B♭). The tonality deeply penetrates the mind. Listen to it for yourself and enjoy the vibrations... 🎜
This is the flower of Albizia julibrissin, the Persian silk tree. I took this picture in 2016 in Plymouth, English Garden, Mount Edgcumbe. Not to be confused with Calliandra angustifolia aka. Bobinsana (a "healing plant" used in shamanism) which is in the Fabaceae family, too.
I created this website because cognitive liberty (freedom of thought) is a fundamental human right which is currently under heavy attack. The website focuses on neuropolitics, history, social psychology, and cognitive psychology, inter alia.
Sanskrit etymology:
nata = actor, dancer, mime
raja = king
asana = posture, seat
Nataraja is another name for Shiva and his dance symbolizes cosmic energy. It is a challenging balancing asana (cerebellum) which trains focus and concentration (self-control/prefrontal executive functions). It is an extroverted asana full of creative energy.
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The word psyche is etymologically derived from the ancient Greek ψυχή (psukhḗ, which translates into “mind/soul/spirit/breath”). The suffix "logia" (λογία) can be translated as "the study of" (cf. lógos/λόγος which can be be translated, inter alia, as "subject matter Hence, psychology literally means "the study of mind/soul/spirit/breath”. However, many psychologists are utterly nescient of this etymological definition and are not very comfortable with these profound philosophical concepts. There are some laudable exceptions, for instance, the Swiss depth-psychologist C.G. Jung who wrote extensively on Indian psychology and pranayama (viz., psycho-spiritual breathing-exercises). Jung also coined the terms introversion/extroversion which are today widely utilised in mainstream psychology (the 5-factor model of personality). It should be noted that there is no science without philosophy!The notion that science can be seperated from philosophy is a naïve positivistic illusion which completly neglects the history of science. Until quite recently science was philosophy. The terminological dichotomisation is a modern invention.Daniel Dennett formulated the following concise statement: “There is no such thing as philosophy-free science; there is only science whose philosophical baggage is taken on board without examination." — Daniel Dennett, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, 1995
Visit: http://moebius-band.ga
Code for generating an interactive Möbius band in R (using OpenGL)
library(rgl) # (Murdoch, 2001)
library(plot3D) # (Soetaert, 2014)
# Define parameters
R <- 3
u <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 100)
v <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 100)
m <- mesh(u, v)
u <- m$x
v <- m$y
# Möbius strip parametric equations
x <- (R + v/2 * cos(u /2)) * cos(u)
y <- (R + v/2 * cos(u /2)) * sin(u)
# Visualise in 3-dimensional Euclidean space
bg3d(color = "white")
surface3d(x, y, z, color= "red")
icon-file https://christopher-germann.de/wp-content/uploads/A-non-dual-cognitive-neuroscience-perspective1.pdf
Visit: http://dual-aspect-monism.cf
It is argued that the Möbius band provides a readily communicable conceptual visual metaphor for dual-aspect Monism à la Pauli-Jung. The Pauli-Jung conjecture is particularly relevant in the context of modern neuroscience as most contemporary neuroscientists stipulate prima facie that the brain produces consciousness. However, this perspective is not conclusively supported by empirical evidence. the monistic dual-aspect perspective provides a parsimonious & elegant solution for the mind-body problem and the hard problem of consciousness (viz., the production problem). The symbolism of the Möbius band is particularly interesting from an embodied and grounded cognition perspective. Specifically, Lakoff’s “conceptual metaphor theory” provides (...)
Khecarī Mudrā (Sanskrit, खेचरी मुद्रा) is an ancient hatha yoga practice performed by placing the tongue above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity. For this purpose the tongue is elongated by gradually cutting through the lingual frenulum, thereby sytematically stretching the tongue on a daily basis for several months. It would be interesting to investigate its effects on unconscious subvocalisations (e.g., via electromyography/EMG) recordings) in the context of the biological evolution of language modules in relation to cognition and consciousness (viz., and specifically its verbal component - the "phonological loop"). Interestingly, a link between subvocalization and schizophrenic hallucinations has been hypothesised.
Stephane, M., Barton, S., & Boutros, (...)
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Numerical summary for all parameters associated with experimental condition V01 and V11 and their corresponding 95% posterior high density credible intervals.
• ρ (rho): The correlation between experimental condition V00 and V10
• μ1 (mu): The mean of V00
• σ1 (sigma): The scale of V00, a consistent estimate of SD when nu is large.
• μ2 (mu): the mean of V10
• σ1 (sigma): the scale of V10
• ν (nu): The degrees-of-freedom for the bivariate t distribution
• xy_pred: The posterior predictive distribution of V00
• xy_pred: The posterior predictive distribution of V10
Visualisation of the results of the Bayesian correlational analysis for experimental condition V00 and V01 with associated posterior high density credible intervals and marginal posterior predictive plots.
The (...)