subsequent “quantum revolution”, which revolutionized our thinking about the nature
of matter and whose development is mainly (but wrongly according to Stone) attributed
to Max Planck. Stone illustrates Einstein’s aversion to the indeterminism inherent in
quantum theory by citing his famous “God doesn’t play dice” quote. Moreover, Stone
demonstrates that Einstein was clearly discontent with the epistemological implica-
tions of quantum theory as exemplified by one of his critical remarks concerning this
matter: “Do you really think the moon only exists if I look at it?”
These statements can be regarded as evidence that Einstein vehemently disagreed with
the fundamental stochastic indeterminism and non-objectivism advocated by the ad-
herents of the quantum school of thought. Nevertheless, Stone makes very clear that it
is Einstein’s (not Planck’s) unorthodox and nonconformist creative thinking which is
central to the genesis of quantum theory. In particular, Einstein’s first (sole authored)
paper in his annus mīrābilis (1905) in which he developed the quantum theory of light
heralded the century of quantum theory. His ingenious idea was that light is quantized
into indivisible discrete particles, which were at that time labelled quanta and which
we now call photons. When he later received the Nobel Prize in 1921 the existence of
quanta was still highly controversial. He was credited for the explanation of the photo-
electric effect, which is just one of the many implications derived from his deep insights
into the quantum world.
In the majority of physics textbooks, Einstein’s key contributions to quantum physics
are either underemphasized or completely ignored, but Stone is not the first author
who tries to rectify historical facts. For instance, Thomas Kuhn in his book on “Black-
Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity” describes Einstein’s indispensable con-
tributions to the development of quantum theory. However, Kuhn’s book is mostly in-
accessible to non- physicist due to its highly technical nature. Stone clearly and persua-
sively articulates that it is in Einstein’s creative mind in that the basic concepts which
initiated the shift towards the modern quantum theoretical paradigm evolved. Stone
enlists four major seminal contributions of Einstein to quantum theory: quantization
of energy, wave-particle duality, the probabilistic randomness of quantum mechanics,
and what Stone calls “quantum unity” (a.k.a. entanglement).
From a cognitive science perspective, this book is currently highly relevant because it
is related to the newly emerging field called “quantum cognition”. This novel paradigm
utilizes the mathematical axioms of quantum theory to model cognitive processes (e.g.,
Pothos & Busemeyer, 2013). Especially the chapter titled “Quantum dice” provides a
neat introduction to the counterintuitive logic that underlies Bose-Einstein statistics.
In conclusion, the book at hand is pertinent to anyone interested in physics and the his-
tory of science and it is, for the most part, accessible by a lay audience. However, even
though mathematical equations are rare, it should be noted that some background