Code for generating an interactive Möbius band in R (using OpenGL)
library(rgl) # (Murdoch, 2001)
library(plot3D) # (Soetaert, 2014)
# Define parameters
R <- 3
u <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 100)
v <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 100)
m <- mesh(u, v)
u <- m$x
v <- m$y
# Möbius strip parametric equations
x <- (R + v/2 * cos(u /2)) * cos(u)
y <- (R + v/2 * cos(u /2)) * sin(u)
# Visualise in 3-dimensional Euclidean space
bg3d(color = "white")
surface3d(x, y, z, color= "red")
It is argued that the Möbius band provides a readily communicable conceptual visual metaphor for dual-aspect Monism à la Pauli-Jung. The Pauli-Jung conjecture is particularly relevant in the context of modern neuroscience as most contemporary neuroscientists stipulate prima facie that the brain produces consciousness. However, this perspective is not conclusively supported by empirical evidence. the monistic dual-aspect perspective provides a parsimonious & elegant solution for the mind-body problem and the hard problem of consciousness (viz., the production problem). The symbolism of the Möbius band is particularly interesting from an embodied and grounded cognition perspective. Specifically, Lakoff’s “conceptual metaphor theory” provides (...)
Khecarī Mudrā (Sanskrit, खेचरी मुद्रा) is an ancient hatha yoga practice performed by placing the tongue above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity. For this purpose the tongue is elongated by gradually cutting through the lingual frenulum, thereby sytematically stretching the tongue on a daily basis for several months. It would be interesting to investigate its effects on unconscious subvocalisations (e.g., via electromyography/EMG) recordings) in the context of the biological evolution of language modules in relation to cognition and consciousness (viz., and specifically its verbal component - the "phonological loop"). Interestingly, a link between subvocalization and schizophrenic hallucinations has been hypothesised.
Stephane, M., Barton, S., & Boutros, (...)
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WordPress Post & Page Dropdown Menu
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Numerical summary for all parameters associated with experimental condition V01 and V11 and their corresponding 95% posterior high density credible intervals.
• ρ (rho): The correlation between experimental condition V00 and V10
• μ1 (mu): The mean of V00
• σ1 (sigma): The scale of V00, a consistent estimate of SD when nu is large.
• μ2 (mu): the mean of V10
• σ1 (sigma): the scale of V10
• ν (nu): The degrees-of-freedom for the bivariate t distribution
• xy_pred: The posterior predictive distribution of V00
• xy_pred: The posterior predictive distribution of V10
Visualisation of the results of the Bayesian correlational analysis for experimental condition V00 and V01 with associated posterior high density credible intervals and marginal posterior predictive plots.
The (...)