denotes a borderline case (Blutner et al., 2013). Specifically, the “superpo-
sition” of “bright” and “not bright” is relevant from a quantum cognition
perspective and it has been cogently argued in various psychological con-
texts that this kind of superposition introduces cognitive interference effects
(Aerts, 2009; Aerts, Broekaert, & Gabora, 2011; Blutner et al., 2013). The
postulated interference effects are analogous to those observed in quantum
mechanics (i.e., the principle of superposition). The mathematical similari-
ties have been discussed elsewhere (e.g., Busemeyer, Pothos, Franco, &
Trueblood, 2011) and go beyond the scope of this discussion.
Importantly for the experimental context at hand is the fact that the concept
“bright” is a vague concept because the exact demarcation from “not bright”
is arbitrary and imprecise. When making perceptual judgments on a scale
ranging from “bright” to “not bright”, the percipient is confronted with a
large degree of indeterminacy (especially when no absolute modulus is pro-
vided to anchor the judgment on the scale). It has been convincingly argued
that the logical principle of non-contradiction (i.e., the semantic principle of
) does not necessarily hold true in such situations (Blutner et al.,
2013). Epistemological accounts of vagueness (Sorensen, 1991; Wright,
1995) consider vagueness as the consequence of nescience on part of the
percipient and not a fundamentally ontological problem (but see Daniliuc &
Daniliuc, 2004). Ontological accounts (e.g., contextualism), on the other
hand, regard vagueness as a case of context-sensitivity (Åkerman &
Greenough, 2010; Greenough, 2003; Shapiro & Greenough, 2005), i.e., the
uncertainty associated with vagueness is regarded as a contextual phenom-
enon. This kind of context-dependence has been designated as “v-standards”
and it describes any contextual parameter that is responsible for the vague-
ness (Åkerman & Greenough, 2010; Blutner et al., 2013). Fuzzy set theo-
rists would agree with this ontological stance. They propose a form of logic
which allows for graded truth values (L. a. Zadeh, 1965; L. A. Zadeh,
2008). Alxatib & Pelletier (2011) concluded that such borderline cases pose
a serious problem for classical (Kolmogorovian/Boolean) logic. However,
Blutner et al., (2013) demonstrated that QP provides a powerful explana-
tory framework for borderline contradictions (Blutner et al., 2013). QP
For instance, as measured on a quasi-continuous psychophycial visual-analogue scale (Aitken, 1969).
The semantic principle (or law) of bivalence is closely related to the 3
Aristotelian law of thought, i.e., the law
of the excluded middle (principium tertii exclusi) which can be stated in symbolic notation as ⊢. ≡∼ (∼ ),
where ~ signifies negation (after Whitehead & Russell, 1910). We will discuss this logical principle in greater
detail in the context of quantum cognition in subsequent chapters because it plays a crucial role for superposi-
tional states (quantum logic).