
Scientia nihil aliud est quam veritatis imago. / Science is but an image of the truth.”
~ Sir Francis Bacon (*1551; †1662)
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci (*1452; †1519) “Quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius. / As above, so below.” ~ Hermes Trismegistus (Tabula Smaragdina); “How can the multiplicity of life delude the one who sees its unity?” ~ Katha Upaniṣhad

Slide 1
Psilocybin Research
Psilocybin Research
Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning
Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning
(ƒ) Interval Mailer
Cognitive Liberty
Cognitive Liberty
Psychology Meta Search Tool (v1.0.2)
Psychology Meta Search Tool (v1.0.2)
The neurochemistry of altruism
The neurochemistry of altruism
P5.js mouse tracking
Sôritês paradoxon: Contextualism & borderline vagueness
Sôritês paradoxon: Contextualism & borderline vagueness
Bayesian parameter estimation supersedes t-test
Bayesian parameter estimation supersedes t-test
Evaluation of statistical null-hypotheses in a Bayesian framework: A ROPE & HDI-based decision algorithm
Evaluation of statistical null-hypotheses in a Bayesian framework: A ROPE & HDI-based decision algorithm
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Psilocybin Research
Psilocybin Research
Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning
Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning
(ƒ) Interval Mailer
(ƒ) Interval Mailer
Cognitive Liberty
Cognitive Liberty
Psychology Meta Search Tool (v1.0.2)
Psychology Meta Search Tool (v1.0.2)
The neurochemistry of altruism
The neurochemistry of altruism
P5.js mouse tracking
P5.js mouse tracking
Sôritês paradoxon: Contextualism & borderline vagueness
Sôritês paradoxon: Contextualism & borderline vagueness
Bayesian parameter estimation supersedes t-test
Bayesian parameter estimation supersedes t-test
Evaluation of statistical null-hypotheses in a Bayesian framework: A ROPE & HDI-based decision algorithm
Evaluation of statistical null-hypotheses in a Bayesian framework: A ROPE & HDI-based decision algorithm
Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning

See also my project http://belief-bias.de
Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.
~ Seneca
We speak not strictly and philosophically when we talk of the combat of passion and of reason. Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.~ Hume

A well studied phenomenon in the psychology of reasoning is termed belief bias (Evans et al., 1983; Markovits & Nantel, 1989). Belief bias labels the long standing effect that reasoners are more likely to accept a believable conclusion to a syllogism than an unbelievable one, independent of the actual logical validity of the conclusion (i.e. Wilkins, 1928; Henle & Michael, 1956; Kaufman & Goldstein, 1967). For instance, examination of the (...)

Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning
(ƒ) Interval Mailer

You can find the tool here:
with timer: https://christopher-germann.de/intervalmailwithtimer.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
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Psychology Meta Search Tool (v1.0.2)

Below you can find a custom-made "meta-search-tool" I programmed (coded in ActionScript2) which facilitates to effectively search the web for psychology and neuroscience related information.
You can freely download the program as a zipped executable:

Citation File Format (*.cff)
cff-version: 1.0.3
message: If you use this software, please cite it as below.
- family-names: Germann
given-names: Christopher, Benjamin
orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1573-4651
title: Psychology Meta Search Tool
version: 1.0.2
URL: https://christopher-germann.de/psychology-meta-search-tool-v1-02/
date-released: 2012-07-16 (...)

Psychology Meta Search Tool (v1.0.2)
The neurochemistry of altruism

A cognitive neuroscience perspective on the interpersonal dimension of psilocybin
Psilocybin (O-phosphoryl-4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is an indole alkaloid  which is present in more than 150 fungi species, some of which are endemic to the UK (e.g., ). Its molecular structure closely resembles serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). In humans, psilocybin is rapidly dephosphorylated to psilocin (4-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) which functions as a non-selective partial 5-HT receptor agonist (it shows particularly high binding affinity for the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor subtypes; Nichols, 2004). A landmark study conducted at Johns Hopkins University by MacLean, Johnson & Griffiths (2011) experimentally demonstrated that a single high-dose of psilocybin can induce long-lasting (...)

The neurochemistry of altruism
Sôritês paradoxon: Contextualism & borderline vagueness

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Sôritês paradoxon: Contextualism &#038; borderline vagueness
Bayesian parameter estimation supersedes t-test

The Bayesian inferential approach provides rich information about the estimated distribution of several parameters of interest, i.e., it provides the distribution of the estimates of μ and σ of both experimental conditions and the associated effect sizes. Specifically, the method provides the “relative credibility” of all possible differences between means, standard deviations (Kruschke, 2013). Inferential conclusions about null hypotheses can be drawn based on these credibility values. In contrast to conventional NHST, uninformative (and frequently misleading124) p values are redundant in the Bayesian framework. Moreover, the Bayesian parameter estimation approach enables the researcher to accept null hypotheses. NHST, on the other, only allows the researcher to reject such null hypotheses. (...)

Bayesian parameter estimation supersedes t-test
Evaluation of statistical null-hypotheses in a Bayesian framework: A ROPE & HDI-based decision algorithm

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* Copyright 2012,2013 Lu Wang
* https://github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX/blob/master/share/LICENSE
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Evaluation of statistical null-hypotheses in a Bayesian framework: A ROPE &#038; HDI-based decision algorithm
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