Epistemic curiosity scale Student ID 1. I enjoy exploring new ideas. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 2. Difficult conceptual problems can keep me awake all night thinking about solutions. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 3. I enjoy learning about subjects that are unfamiliar to me. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 4. I can spend hours on a single problem because I just can’t rest without knowing the answer. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 5. I find it fascinating to learn new information. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 6. I feel frustrated if I can’t figure out the solution to a problem, so I work even harder to solve it. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 7. When I learn something new, I would like to find out more about it. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 8. I brood for a long time in an attempt to solve some fundamental problem. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 9. I enjoy discussing abstract concepts. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always 10. I work like a fiend at problems that I feel must be solved. 1=almost never2=sometimes3=often4=almost always Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.