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Thought has got tremendous power. Thought can heal diseases. Thoughts can transform the mentality of persons. Thought can do anything. It can work wonders. The velocity of thought is unimaginable.

Be careful of your thoughts. Whatever you send out of your mind, comes back to you.Every thought you think, is a boomerang.If you hate another, hate will come back to you. If you love others, love will come back to you.

Thoughts are giant-powers. They are more powerful than electricity. They control your life, mould your character, and shape your destiny.

Thought has got tremendous power. Thought can heal diseases. Thoughts can transform the mentality of persons. Thought can do anything. It can work wonders. The velocity of thought is unimaginable.

Be careful of your thoughts. Whatever you send out of your mind, comes back to you. Every thought you think, is a boomerang.If you hate another, hate will come back to you. If you love others, love will come back to you.

While light travels at the rate of 1,86,000 miles per second, thoughts virtually travel in notime.

If the food is pure, thought also becomes pure.

You are surrounded by an ocean of thought. You are floating in the ocean of thought. You are absorbing certain thoughts and repelling some in the thought-world. Everyone has his own thought-world.


The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali define the essence of yoga as follows:
योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध || Sūtra 1.2 ||
Yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ
English transl: Yoga is the restriction (Nirodha) of the fluctuations (Vritti) of consciousness (Chitta).
German transl: Yoga ist das Zuruhebringen (Nirodha) der Fluktuationen (Vritti) des Bewußtseins (Chitta).

Commentary by Swami Vishnudevananda:
The citta is thus the background of the mind. It is like a lake on which rise and fall waves, which are comparable to the thoughts.  These thought waves are called vrittis.  A vritti is a ‘mental whirlpool’, or mental modification; it is the difference between action and the absence of action in the mind.  In the average person there are thousands of vrittis arising each minute in the mind.  It is impossible for the conscious mind to keep track of the minute and intricate changes through which the mind is traveling every second.  It is no surprise, therefore, that it takes many years of observation of ones own mind to understand its workings.

The Self is the witness of all that is perceived, but it neither acts nor reacts, for all action and reaction take place in the mind, appearing as vrittis.  Thought, the most powerful force in the universe, initiates all action.  Activity carried out on the physical plane is only a mirror of the inner workings of the mind.  That which is assumed to be reality, the physical environment in which each person lives, is only a projection of the mind.  In truth, when the many mental modifications, vrittis, are restrained, one is no longer affected by the comings and goings of the world, and the Self shines forth in undisturbed purity.

Raja Yoga Sutras
Tadaa drashtuh svaroope ‘vasthaanam
At that time (when the thought waves are stilled), the perceiver rests in his own true nature.

Commentary by Swami Vishnudevananda:
“That state of pure consciousness is achieved when the mind is no longer modified by the activities of thought waves. When the waves of a lake are stilled, one can see the bottom clearly. Likewise, when the vrittis of the mind subside, ones essential nature (swaroopa) becomes evident. When the mind’s agitation stops, the world no longer exists for the meditator, for he is in union with the Self.”

Thoughts & Waves ~ An analogy
“Thoughts are like the waves of an ocean. They are countless. You may become desperatein the beginning of your attempt to conquer them.Some thoughts will subside while some other thoughts will gush out like a stream. Thesame old thoughts that were once suppressed may again show their faces after some time. Neverbecome despondent at any stage of practice. You will surely get inner spiritual strength. You arebound to succeed in the end. All the Yogins of yore had to encounter the same difficulties thatyou are experiencing now.The process of destruction of mental modifications is difficult and long. All thoughtscannot be destroyed in a day or two. You should not give up the practice of destroying thethoughts in the middle when you come across some difficulties or stumbling blocks.Your first attempt should be to reduce your wants and desires. Reduce your wants anddesires; then, the thoughts will decrease by themselves. Gradually all thoughts will be extirpated.”

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