
“…lying full length on the back like a corpse is called Savasana. With this asana, tiredness caused by other asanas is eliminated; it also promotes calmness of the mind.”
~ Hatha Yoga Pradipika 1.32

Shavasāna (Sanskrit: शवासन; transl. “corpse pose”) is an asana in hatha yoga which is often used at the end of a series of asanas for deep relaxation and meditation.


Thönes, S., & Wittmann, M.. (2016). Time perception in yogic mindfulness meditation—Effects on retrospective duration judgments and time passage.. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 3(4), 316–325.

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1037/cns0000088
directSciHub download

Paranjape, S. D., Sahu, R.J. and Bhole, M. V.. (1978). Shavasana as a contributing factor to pratyahara- some preliminary findings. Yoga Mimamsa

Janowiak, J. J., & Hackman, R.. (1994). Meditation and College Students’ Self-Actualization and Rated Stress. Psychological Reports, 75(2), 1007–1010.

Plain numerical DOI: 10.2466/pr0.1994.75.2.1007
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Bera, T. K., Gore, M. M., & Oak, J. P.. (1998). Recovery from stress in two different postures and in Shavasana – A yogic relaxation posture. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

Sundar, S., Agrawal, S. K., Singh, V. P., Bhattacharya, S. K., Udupa, K. N., & Vaish, S. K.. (1984). Role of yoga in management of essential hypertension.. Acta Cardiologica

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