/* WordPress Post & Page Dropdown Menu http://www.beliefmedia.com/wp-dropdown-menu */ function beliefmedia_wp_post_dropdown($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array( 'status' => 'publish', 'type' => 'page', 'parent' => false, 'exclude' => false, 'author' => false, 'category' => false, 'tags' => false, 'order' => 'DESC', /* ASC/DESC */ 'orderby' => 'date', 'format' => false, /* jS F Y, g:iA */ 'date' => false, 'number' => false, 'p' => false, 'style' => 'height: 35px;', /* Form search text */ 'text' => 'Select Page', 'length' => false, /* Style */ 'cache' => 3600 * 8, ), $atts); $transient = 'bmdd_' . md5(serialize($atts)); $cachedposts = get_transient($transient); if ($cachedposts !== false) { return $cachedposts; } else { global $post; /* Generally use this shortcode for random posts */ $post_status = explode(',', $atts['status']); $args = array( 'post_type' => $atts['type'], 'post_status' => $post_status, 'order' => $atts['order'], 'orderby' => $atts['orderby'], ); /* Get user ID from login username */ if ($atts['author'] !== false) { /* Array of authors */ $atts['author'] = explode(',', $atts['author']); /* If not numeric, get ID */ foreach ($atts['author'] AS $authors) { if (!is_numeric($authors)) { $author_ob = get_user_by( 'login', $authors ); $author .= $author_ob->ID . ','; } else { $author .= $authors . ','; } } /* Return string of authors */ $atts['author'] = rtrim($author, ','); } /* Post Parent? */ if ($atts['parent'] !== false) $args['post_parent'] = $atts['parent']; /* Explode Posts? */ if ($atts['exclude'] !== false) $args['post__not_in'] = $atts['exclude']; /* Limit authors? */ if ($atts['author'] !== false) $args['author__in'] = $atts['author']; /* Limit number of posts? */ $args['posts_per_page'] = ($atts['number'] !== false) ? $atts['number'] : '-1'; /* Specific categories? */ if ($atts['category'] !== false) $args['cat'] = $atts['category']; /* Specific tags? */ if ($atts['tags'] !== false) $args['tag_id'] = $atts['tags']; /* Query */ $pages = new WP_query($args); /* Build result */ if ($pages->have_posts()) : $output = '<form name="jump"><select name="menu" style="' . $atts['style'] . '" onchange="BMgotoPage(this)"><option value="#">' . $atts['text'] . '</option>'; while ($pages->have_posts()) : $pages->the_post(); /* By default your WP time format is used */ $date = ( ($atts['format'] !== false) && ($atts['date'] !== false) ) ? get_the_date($format = $atts['format']) : get_the_date(); /* Title */ $title = get_the_title(); /* Build form option */ $output .= '<option value="' . get_permalink() . '">' . $title = ($atts['length'] !== false) ? beliefmedia_split_dropdown_string($title, $atts['length']) : $title; if ($atts['date'] !== false) $output .= ' - ' . $date; $output .= '</option>'; endwhile; $output .= '</select></form>'; /* Reset query */ wp_reset_postdata(); else : $output = '<form name="jump"><select name="menu" style="' . $atts['style'] . '" onchange="BMgotoPage(this)"><option value="#">' . $atts['text'] . ' (No Results)</option></select></form>'; endif; /* Wrap in p tags? */ if ($atts['p'] !== false) $output = '<p>' . $output . '</p>'; /* JS Function */ $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">function BMgotoPage(select) { window.location = select.value; }</script>'; /* Set transient data */ set_transient($transient, $output, $atts['cache']); return $output; } } add_shortcode('dropdown', 'beliefmedia_wp_post_dropdown'); /* Split a String into Two by Character Length with PHP http://www.beliefmedia.com/php-split-string */ function beliefmedia_split_dropdown_string($string, $maxcharacters = '') { $string_length = strlen($string); return ($string_length > $maxcharacters) ? substr_replace($string, '...', $maxcharacters/2, $string_length - $maxcharacters) : $string; }
Shortcode Attributes
Given the scope of the wp_query object, there are any number of queries that might be performed. We’ve included the most relevant search parameters to filter results.
There are 8 major post statuses that WordPress uses by default. The one that is likely to be used with a dropdown is
(default). Other custom post types may also be used.type
There are several post types that are readily available to users or internally used by the WordPress installation by default. The two that are most likely to be used are
and page
If displaying pages, you may nominate a parent page. Usage will display child pages.
The exclude attribute is a comma delimited list of posts or pages to exclude form results.
To display results by
, use the author ID or login username.category
To limit posts by category, use the category ID.
To limit return posts by tag, use the
ID (multiple tags may be used).order
You may
by ASC
You may order by a large number of parameters . Most common are
, ID
, author
, title
, name
(the post slug), date
, and rand
If you include the date in the dropdown alongside the title, you may optionally alter the date presentation. While it defaults to the format defined by you in your WP installation,
you can alter with PHP’s date formatting.
you can alter with PHP’s date formatting.
To include the date alongside the post, use
By default we’ll return all posts, limit with
Wrap the result in paragraph tags with
. This navigates issues with WP shrotcodes and paragraph formatting.style
Alter the style with the textbox here. For example,
style="height: 30px; width: 400px;"
To change the text on the select box (Select Page), use
text="Text in here"
Since post lengths can be long, you may truncate them with
. This uses the beliefmedia_split_dropdown_string()
The wp_query can be an expensive operation. We cache the result for 8 hours by default. Alter in the shortcode or hardcode into the function.
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